Keeping in view the rural women a survey was made by CSV to identify technologies which can reduce the drudgery and increase their efficiency of work. In the survey as many as 200 technologies were identified. CSV published these technologies in three compendium with elaborated illustrations and made them available to hundreds of institutions at fair price for their wider replicability.
CSV also popularized many of these technologies in the selected villages of Wardha district, like:
Ball Bearing Pulley
CSV has developed a pulley fitted with ball bearings (the whole set of bicycle wheel bearings – wheel axel, socket & cone) that reduces the friction between the pulley and the axel and thereby increases the operational efficiency of the pulley, thus reducing the drudgery of women in fetching the water from well.
Ball Bearing Chakkies
The stone grinders used in rural house to grind food grains were fitted with single ball bearing to increase its efficiency and check the drudgery.
Sheetal Pot
/Double-walled mud pot with water in between the walls as insulating material. Through evaporation of this water, the inside temperature of the pot remains 25-35 degrees less than the outside temp. Keeping the food material in the pot cool & fresh, thus preserving it for 1 to 3 days.
Water Filter
Water Filters presently available in the markets are costly have less water capacity it says warm due to the steel container. For rural households CSV has used two clay pots for the purposes, the top one fitted with the filter candle and the lower one with a tap. This has proved to be a very efficient device to filter and cool 15 litres of water, costing Rs. ……..
Solar Basket
A parabolic solar reflector, made of bamboo frame supported by paper pulp basket with its inner surface pasted with metalized plastic or Aluminium foil for reflection. With a simple mechanism this basket is made to move with the moving sun tracking the solar heat that can facilitate faster cooking. Costing Rs. 250 this solar basket can be easily fabricated by the village women.
Ic-Mic Cooker
Ic Mic cooker is a steam cooking which uses only a handful of charcoal to cook a full meal for one family in 45 minutes without requiring any attention or tension.
Hay Box Cooker
It is an insulated hot box with saves upto 50% of cooking energy. As soon as the boiling point is reached, the food can be immediately kept in this box to continue the cooking process without requiring any additional fuel. It also keeps the food warm throughout the day. CSV has experimented with various insulating materials like cork, polythene sheets, feathers, wood shaving, rags, fiberglass, shredded newspapers, cardboards, ash, chaff, hulls, nut shells & hay. Their cost ranges from 0 to 100 rupees depending upon the insulation material per sec.
Rosella Weed Enterprise
Roseela grows as weed is used for making many products like baverage, jam, jelly, pickle, chatni powder, and sweet bar.
Cassiatorra Product Enterprise
Cassiatorra is a weed thw profusely grows during monsoon months. Its seed have medicinal properties to cure joint pain and also works as detoxicant. The seeds are roasted and ground to make baverages like tea and coffee.