Major Extension Activities: After successful optimization of technology since 1980 onwards more than 5000 houses were constructed in Gujrat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Chattisgadh, U.P. and Maharashtra, and also outside the country in Ukraine (Russia). 1 ” Nai Roshani for Moda Village Gujarat by Navy and Naval Wives Welfare Association ” : After the earthquake of Gujrat a completely ravaged village Moda was rebuilt entirely with 155 Houses, School Buildings, Shopping complex, community House, Roads, Plantation, Rainwater Harvesting structures. This project was implemented with financial aid of Indian Navy. Project was awarded by the State, Indian Navy and HUDCO.
Rural Technology Park: Project with National Institution for Rural Development (NIRD):
Constructed Mud House with conical arch and mud wall technology.
Construction of Bamboo house in the Rural Technology Park at NIRD, Hyderabad.
Housing Park: Eight model houses with above technology were constructed at Housing Park of Madhya Pradesh Housing Board, Bhopal.
AIM for SEVA: Hostels having capacity of 100 students each were constructed at
Pondichery (Tamilnadu)
Kodlur (Tamilnadu)
Polur (Tamilnadu)
Thiruannamalai (Tamilnadu)
Kadappa (Tamilnadu)
Vishakapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
Vikrampur, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)
Masod Dist. Nagpur (Maharashtra) and
Rajgurunagar (two hostels), Dist. Pune (Maharashtra)
District Primary Education Programme (DPEP): Made Gat Sadhana Kendra at Aurangabad, Usmanabad in Maharashtra for DPEP.
Construction of 400 houses in 16 villages under Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) at
Nashik and
Wardha district
School Buildings: Primary school building were constructed at half a dozen places in Wardha district and elsewhere.
Kharangana Gode
Pipari Meghe
Karanji bhoge
Krishnamurti Foundation India Chennai
India Song Project: An ideal village under INDIA SONG PROJECT in collaboration with Wardha Development Association, France, constructed 29 houses, where all appropriate technologies like – solid waste, liquid waste management, kitchen gardening, Electricity generation with biogas, Agrowaste chulha, water filter are implemented on pilot scale.
Eco Tech Village: Conceptualized, designed and implemented a special project entitled, “Eco-Tech Village” under rehabilitation programme at Hingoli District. About 102 houses along with a community hall, Bal Sanskar Kendra and five shops were constructed with all eco-friendly facilities. The project was funded by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.
Workshops on Building Construction
CSV organized an international workshop on Alternative Technologies in ” Building Construction “, for Architects and Engineers of South East Asian Countries during June 1998
Organized National workshop on Alternative Technologies in “Building Construction”, under MGNAREGA for Ministry of Rural Development, GoI, at CSV during 2nd and 3rd May 2014
Trainings on Building Construction
In the subject of “Building Construction” a range of training programs were organized at “Wardha Building Centre” located in the Kumarappapuram campus of the institute using Appropriate Technologies, developed by CSV.
Some major programs carried out by CSV are listed below.
CAPART Sponsored Programs: Conducted training programs for duration of 3 months over a period of 6 years (1986 – 1990 and 1992 – 1994) for Non Governmental organization of different states of India.
These are
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Conducted Training programs for 30 engineers and architects of South East Asian countries (Bangladesh; Sri Lanka; Pakistan; Nepal; India) for a period of one month with the help of UNESCO, India during 97 – 98.
Trained more than 2,500 masons from different districts of Maharashtra during 1996 – 1998
Trained more than 1,100 masons during 2005 – 2008 from 11 districts of Vidarbha (i.e. Gadchiroli; Chandrapur; Gondia; Bhandara; Nagpur; Wardha; Amrawati; Yavatmal; Akola; Washim and Buldhana).
Trained 80 students from D. Y. Patil College of Architect, Mumbai during 2014 – 2015 at Kumarappapuram, CSV.