About Us
Centre of Science for Villages (CSV) started functioning in 1976 by its founder Chairman and Director Late Dr. Devendra Kumar from the premises of Maganwadi in Wardha
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The Moral Basis of Cooeration
Each person can examine all the articles of food, clothing and other things that he uses from day to day and replace foreign makes or city makes, by those produced by the villagers in their homes or fields with the simple inexpensive tools they can easily handle and mend.
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Dr. J. C. Kumarappa
Dr. J. C. Kumarappa, Secretary AIVIA, gave a definite shape to Gandhian concept of rural industrialization and village economy.

Organic Farming
Use of local and natural resources is a key to organic farming. It includes locally available seeds; materials and methods for nutrient, pest and biodiversity management.

Housing Technology
In the subject of “Building Construction” a range of training programs were organized at “Wardha Building Centre” located in the Kumarappapuram campus of the institute using Appropriate Technologies, developed by CSV.